Statesman News Service
MALDA, May 23: The state government has created a new post ~ district inspector of school (academic) ~ in each district to monitor secondary education. The district inspectors would execute administrative function of this department. “The objective of this post is to carry out extensive inspection of schools, monitor the present system of teaching and learning in all secondary schools,” said the Malda district inspector, Mr Chinmay Sarkar. The new officer would join here after a few months, he added. The government has also planned to set up block level offices recruiting more sub-inspector of schools in all districts to conduct extensive inspection of secondary schools. According to Mr Sarkar, block wise meeting would be held with the teachers and headmasters of every school after the summer vacation to learn about the impact of the new unit test system and how many schools have implemented it. Mr Sarkar alleged that many teachers of several schools are reluctant to carry out the order of the board about implementing unit test. The objective of the unit test is to reduce the dropout percentage. In Malda town, the Ram Krishna Mission’s Vivekananda School would carry out unit tests after the summer vacation. Similarly, Barlow Girls’ High School would introduce the new system from 6 June and Malda Girls’ (Shanti Sen School) would do so from 4 June.Although schools located in the town area have chalked out a schedule about implementing the unit test system, the same, allegedly can not be said in general about the schools in the rural belt. It is alleged that an amount of reluctance exists among a section of teachers in schools located in the rural areas about introducing the system. “If any school does not introduce the unit test system, its name would be forwarded to the board for necessary action,” the DI said.
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